2008年10月30日 星期四

China's Only Children Face Great Expectations

Name: Arwen Chen (49712057)
Reaction Article #5
From: NPR

My Reaction

According to “China's Only Children Face Great Expectations,” since 1980, China has had a one-child policy. If you have a second kid, you pay a stiff fine — unless you're a member of a national minority, or you and your spouse are both only children, or there's some other exception.

In my opinion, the “one-child policy” is not a too bad policy; it’s quite reasonable, instead. As the result of the increasingly rapid growth of the population in China, China stands the country with the highest numbers of population in the world. Some people might think it a good thing, for the traditional concept that “the more people there are, the more strength there is.” However, it’s not necessary a good thing due to the emergence of modernization and industrialization, resulting to machines that substitute for man power, thus factories no longer need as many laborers as in the past. In addition, problems brought about owning to the excessive growing of pupolation in china, have appeared and affected the whole society and environment. And they will not only become worse and worse if some measures are not taken to prevent them, but also level down the living standard greatly.

For the reasons mentioned above, I am of the one-child policy conducted in China.(223)

2008年10月23日 星期四

The Death of the Rock Star

Name: Arwen Chen(49712057)
Reaction Article #4
From: NPR

My Reactions
According to Carrie Brownstein in “The Death of the Rock Star,” she is of the opinion that rock stars are dying because of being less mysterious and godlike.

As far as I am concerned, I firmly believe that Rock& roll music never dies. Besides, I don’t think that the rock stars has died away. Even though times changes, so do the artists change with it, what draws fans to artists is finding something in them, their music or art that reflects ourselves or inspires to be more like them in some way, such as us learning some spirit from them. Their music speaks out exactly what we think, what we want-that’s why we get addicted to it. Moreover, It’s like we can attain great comfort from listening to their music, as if we are not alone, there’s someone understanding us.

The connectivity and information of the world we now live in makes it impossible for us to forget that rock stars are just normal people, just like us. Knowing that they are regular people like us means that if someone like them can create something so wonderful then maybe- just maybe- I have the potential to do something wonderful, too. That’s a quite encouraging effect to us, isn’t that? Furthermore, Knowing that they’re regular people doesn’t stop me from worshipping them. I still love their songs. They don’t have to be godlike at all. What’s better, it makes us feel that they’re closer to us, not so untouchable.

I totally agree with this saying,”the music is where the real power lies.” Plus, rock stars will live on, as long as the music never dies.(285)

2008年10月16日 星期四

Iceland needs IMF aid, says local minister

Name: Arwen Chen(49712057)
Reaction Article #3
From: China Post

My Reactions
According to AFP in “Iceland needs IMF aid, says local minister,” Iceland is at the risk of national bankrupt owing to its domestic bank crisis and global financial crisis.

“Iceland is going national bankrupt.”

“What? Are you kidding? How could this thing possibly happen? Iceland has been a quite rich country, hasn’t it?” Those questions all flashed into my mind at the same time at the sight of my reading the news on the headline of China Post.

What a huge shock! It is so unbelievable that I still can’t believe it even though three days have passed since the day I happened to see this piece of unexpected shocking news.

However, knowing that Iceland is under heavy debt, asking Russia for a load to stop the collapse of its economy, I feel greatly concerned with the Icelandic people, for more and more people’s lives are bound to get tougher and tougher, causing them to become more and more pessimistic and gloomy. As a consequence, suicide occurs, which is the last thing everyone expects to see.

I hope that an economic program which could be worked out with the Icelandic authorities will be come up with soon to tide over not only this country, Iceland, but also the financial crisis of the entire world. And I also earnestly hope that all the Icelandic people won’t lose their faith;instead they work together and fight with the panick situation, and survive the hard times.(255)

2008年10月9日 星期四

Surveillance of Skype Messages Found in China

Name: Arwen Chen(49712057)
Reaction Article #2
From: New York Times

My Reactions:
According to John Markoff in “Surveillance of Skype Messages Found in China,” China was discovered a huge Surveillance system monitoring and archiving certain conversations including politically charged words.

As far as I am concerned, I’ve heard of the China government keeping a watchful eye on her people’s opinions on public affairs, expression of their political views. Therefore, it is no surprise to know this piece of news actually. Judging from the news, we, again, obtain another proof that in the china country people do not have complete freedom in expressing their point of views; instead, they still have been kept under tight surveillance—which is not supposed to exist in a democratic country. As a result, I think it quite pathetic of China to do such a thing.

On the other hand, although The United State has also set some kind of monitoring system, since the outbreak of Sep. 11 attacks, to filter phone calls and Internet communications flowing into and out of the country, her purpose is totally different from China’s. The former purpose is to hunt for evidence of terrorist activity, while the latter one is to suppress ideas, thoughts, to block information transmitted out of China which might do harm to its prestige or violate doctrines of the government of China, so as to control the thinking of her people.

All in all, from the news I just read, I again realize what fake democracy is.(239)

2008年10月2日 星期四

Tainted Milk Powder

Name:Arwen Chen(49712057)
Reaction Article #1

Milk Powder

Nearly 10 percent of milk samples from three top Chinese dairy companies was tainted with melamine, the government quality watchdog found after testing for the banned chemical that has killed four children.

A nationwide check found melamine contamination in dairy products ran wider than the tainted milk powder that has made thousands of infants ill and sparked a widening scandal.

The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine pointed its finger at two of China's top dairy producers.

Almost one-tenth of liquid milk batches from Meng-niu Dairy and Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group contained melamine, a compound banned in food.

Several samples of liquid milk from the Bright dairy group also had the substance, which can be used to bamboozle quality checks.

My Reactions:

Chinese milk powder killed 4 children, victims number on the rise.

These days a scandle broke out wide-known about the milk powder in China around the world. To our great shock,that tainted milk powder was even made by three top famous dairy companies of china. Sadly speaking, it has killed four innocent children and sickened nearly 53000 babies. What’s worse, we have no idea if still there are parents not knowing this sensational incident, keeping feeding their kids with that deadly milk powder, putting them in great danger.

I feel completely sorry for the death, extremely indignant at those vicious dairy companies. However, what is done cannot be undone. Not only looking into all the substances which all the dairy products contain but also investigating all the other products are top priorities the authorities concerned should take in no time. In my opinion, these conscienceless supercriminals should be sentenced to life imprisonment. Taking this punishment is the best method of showing their responsibility which they are definitely supposed to take for this tragedy. They have done something offensive to God and reason, and been ruthless and devoid of human feelings, for their own benefit. Obviously these supercriminals did not care about what consequences would be brought about when thinking up such an evil idea, starting such immoral business.

Nevertheless, what we have to do is prevent tragedies from happening again but cry for spilt milk. We do not lack tragedies but happiness- something we never have too much.(237)