2009年4月9日 星期四

A Quiet Revolution Grows in the Muslim World

Name: Arwen Chen (49712057)Reaction Article#3Date: 04/10/2009

A Quiet Revolution Grows in the Muslim World


Speaking of the Muslim world, what comes into our minds are such images as women wearing black robes with turbans covering their hair, men wearing white robes and with turbans as well. Bin Ladin, for example, is the typical image of the Muslim. Additionally, when it comes to the Muslim, what we always relate to is “suicide attacks”, for the most sensational instance, the 911 attack, as if all the Muslims are terrorists. To do them justice, that’s totally not fair to jump into such a judgment. Well goes a saying, “One swallow doesn’t make a summer.” Being biased is not something we’re proud of. So no more stereotype on anybody, ok?
According to the Muslims friends I’m accustomed to, they are quite modern, they catch up with the times, they drive BMW, they listen to American rap music, they dress like us, they joke, and we share mutual sense of humour, They seem accept western culture and are greatly influenced by it. Therefore, I believe it is the few activists that would go to the extremity, doing this well-planned yet super irrational and selfish attack, and I believe the rest is just as peace-loving as us, hungering for a new era of peace, concordance and tranquility throughout the globe.
To full extent, I appreciate the young generation of the Muslim has been working on a nonviolent revolution for the past couples of decades, to reform their tradition, trying to mix modernity and religion.
At the end, I can’t agree more on this-“Peace can only be shared, never imposed.”(259)